Quick Info:


External equipment like for instance the worm-conveyor is possible to be connected to the BIG semi-trailers to improve handling with material. The worm-conveyors are used for filling the sowing machines and distributor spreader ... read more

One-side tipping - BIG 12 18000

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Registered office and address for service:

S-Profit Opava s.r.o - Polní 5, 74601 Opava

Address in the Commercial Register:

S-Profit Opava s.r.o - Jindřichov 88, PSČ 79383,
Section - C 12291 and the company is maintained by the Registration Court in Ostrava
Company identification number: 61943649, Vat no.: CZ 61943649

phone: +420 553 662 607, +420 553 662 609
contact e-mail: info@big-navesy.cz

Contact Persons:

Patrik Lhotský - Product Manager of Trade Networks, service and sales
phone: +420 725 133 506, e-mail: lhotsky@s-profit.cz

Jakub Ivanecký DiS. - sales,
phone: +420 602 729 254, e-mail: navesy@s-profit.cz


Klikněte pro mapu - Opava - Polní 5