Registered office and address for service:
S-Profit Opava s.r.o - Polní 5, 74601 Opava
Address in the Commercial Register:
S-Profit Opava s.r.o - Jindřichov 88, PSČ 79383,
Section - C 12291 and the company is maintained by the Registration Court in Ostrava
Company identification number: 61943649, Vat no.: CZ 61943649
phone: +420 553 662 607, +420 553 662 609
contact e-mail:
Contact Persons:
Patrik Lhotský - Product Manager of Trade Networks, service and sales
phone: +420 725 133 506, e-mail:
Jakub Ivanecký DiS. - sales,
phone: +420 602 729 254, e-mail: